As we all know a bit coin is the virtual currency or we can say it is an electronic currency that has no physical existence. It means it does not come into the market in the form of cash while it collects as a digital currency. If somebody is interested in buying the digital currency or Bit coin, he has to go to the online websites that sell them. One can also buy a bit coin from . You can buy the bit coin by exchanging it from real acts as an electronic currency that permits you to buy or sell the products when both the buyer and seller are ready to use it. Many countries allow digital currency in buying or selling of the products. Bit coin is completely distinct from the traditional currency that runs into each country. In the case of bit coin, it runs all over the world as the same but virtually. It has many good features so that people got interacted with the virtual currency worldwide.
- The feature so that it is much popular among the people is, it is non-centralized. The term non-centralized referred that it has no control system. There is no organization occurs that controls the system of a bit coin. No, any bank can control it; no government can control it. All the bit coins have a unique code without it has no is running on the open network throughout the world on your PCs and smartphones. People feel comfort towards the bit coin because they want to escape from the bank and local government’s whereabouts.
- The supplies of bit coins are limited. It works on the principle of demand and supply. If the demand for coin increases and stock decreases, the price of the currency increases automatically. In the case of traditional currencies, banks manage the supply of their currencies and do the comparison with other country currencies. The working system of bit coin is different from it. It runs on a predefined algorithm that works for measuring the number of bit coins produced. Whenever the counting reached 21 million it stops its production. Hence in this way, the supply of bit coins is limited.
- It has an easy set-up. To maintain the record of keeping bit coins is very easy without paying any fee for it.